Harvest for TreatmentBank Created 17 Jan 08:45

Stage: completed
Fetched: 17 Jan 08:45
Validated: 17 Jan 08:47
Deltas Created 17 Jan 08:47
Units Normalized: 17 Jan 15:04
Ancestry Built: 17 Jan 09:41
Nodes Matched: 17 Jan 14:57
Names Parsed: 17 Jan 09:46
New Models Stored: 17 Jan 09:23
Indexed: 17 Jan 15:03
Completed: 17 Jan 17:14
Time to Harvest: 8 minutes

Harvesting Log

(988 lines)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:45:54] Created harvest instance #4522
[STOP] [2024-01-17 08:45:54] create_harvest_instance
[START] [2024-01-17 08:45:54] fetch_files
[STOP] [2024-01-17 08:45:54] fetch_files
[START] [2024-01-17 08:45:54] validate_each_file
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:45:54] Looping over 3 formats...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:45:54] ...nodes (/app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/taxon.tab)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:46:16] Valid: /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/converted_csv/trek_nat_dw_trek_nodes_31060.csv (297124 lines)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:46:16] ...occurrences (/app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/occurrence_specific.tab)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:46:29] Valid: /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/converted_csv/trek_nat_dw_trek_occurrences_31059.csv (1005707 lines)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:46:29] ...measurements (/app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/measurement_or_fact.tab)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:47:13] Valid: /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/converted_csv/trek_nat_dw_trek_measurements_31058.csv (1005707 lines)
[STOP] [2024-01-17 08:47:13] validate_each_file
[START] [2024-01-17 08:47:13] convert_to_csv
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:47:13] Looping over 3 formats...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:47:13] ...nodes (/app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/taxon.tab)
[CMD] [2024-01-17 08:47:13] /usr/bin/sort /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/converted_csv/trek_nat_dw_trek_nodes_31060.csv > /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/converted_csv/trek_nat_dw_trek_nodes_31060.csv_sorted
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:47:15] Converted: /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/converted_csv/trek_nat_dw_trek_nodes_31060.csv (297124 lines)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:47:15] ...occurrences (/app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/occurrence_specific.tab)
[CMD] [2024-01-17 08:47:15] /usr/bin/sort /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/converted_csv/trek_nat_dw_trek_occurrences_31059.csv > /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/converted_csv/trek_nat_dw_trek_occurrences_31059.csv_sorted
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:47:17] Converted: /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/converted_csv/trek_nat_dw_trek_occurrences_31059.csv (1005707 lines)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:47:17] ...measurements (/app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/measurement_or_fact.tab)
[CMD] [2024-01-17 08:47:17] /usr/bin/sort /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/converted_csv/trek_nat_dw_trek_measurements_31058.csv > /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/converted_csv/trek_nat_dw_trek_measurements_31058.csv_sorted
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:47:28] Converted: /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/converted_csv/trek_nat_dw_trek_measurements_31058.csv (1005707 lines)
[STOP] [2024-01-17 08:47:28] convert_to_csv
[START] [2024-01-17 08:47:28] calculate_delta
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:47:28] Looping over 3 formats...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:47:28] ...nodes (/app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/taxon.tab)
[CMD] [2024-01-17 08:47:28] echo "0a" > /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/diff/trek_nat_dw_trek_nodes_31060.diff
[CMD] [2024-01-17 08:47:28] tail -n +1 /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/converted_csv/trek_nat_dw_trek_nodes_31060.csv >> /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/diff/trek_nat_dw_trek_nodes_31060.diff
[CMD] [2024-01-17 08:47:29] echo "." >> /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/diff/trek_nat_dw_trek_nodes_31060.diff
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:47:29] Created diff: /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/diff/trek_nat_dw_trek_nodes_31060.diff (297126 lines)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:47:29] ...occurrences (/app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/occurrence_specific.tab)
[CMD] [2024-01-17 08:47:29] echo "0a" > /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/diff/trek_nat_dw_trek_occurrences_31059.diff
[CMD] [2024-01-17 08:47:29] tail -n +1 /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/converted_csv/trek_nat_dw_trek_occurrences_31059.csv >> /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/diff/trek_nat_dw_trek_occurrences_31059.diff
[CMD] [2024-01-17 08:47:30] echo "." >> /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/diff/trek_nat_dw_trek_occurrences_31059.diff
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:47:31] Created diff: /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/diff/trek_nat_dw_trek_occurrences_31059.diff (1005709 lines)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:47:31] ...measurements (/app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/measurement_or_fact.tab)
[CMD] [2024-01-17 08:47:31] echo "0a" > /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/diff/trek_nat_dw_trek_measurements_31058.diff
[CMD] [2024-01-17 08:47:31] tail -n +1 /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/converted_csv/trek_nat_dw_trek_measurements_31058.csv >> /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/diff/trek_nat_dw_trek_measurements_31058.diff
[CMD] [2024-01-17 08:47:37] echo "." >> /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/diff/trek_nat_dw_trek_measurements_31058.diff
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:47:38] Created diff: /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/diff/trek_nat_dw_trek_measurements_31058.diff (1005709 lines)
[STOP] [2024-01-17 08:47:38] calculate_delta
[START] [2024-01-17 08:47:38] parse_diff_and_store
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:47:38] Handling diff: /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/diff/trek_nat_dw_trek_nodes_31060.diff (297126 lines)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:47:38] Loading nodes diff file into memory (297126 lines)...
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:47:39] Filtered Scientific Name `Gentianella obtusifolia (F. W. Schmidt) (F. W. Schmidt) Holub  1967` to `Gentianella obtusifolia (F. W. Schmidt) (F. W. Schmidt) Holub 1967`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:47:39] Filtered Scientific Name `Meioneta affinis (Kulczyn \ ' ski 1898)` to `Meioneta affinis (Kulczyn ' ski 1898)`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:47:41] Filtered Scientific Name `Ischnoscelis hoepfneri (Gory and Percheron 1833)  1833` to `Ischnoscelis hoepfneri (Gory and Percheron 1833) 1833`
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:47:43] Storing 15320 ScientificNames (30640/10000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:47:47] Storing 15320 Nodes (30640/10000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:47:52] Filtered Scientific Name `Monohelea maculipennis (Coquillett 1905)  1905` to `Monohelea maculipennis (Coquillett 1905) 1905`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:47:54] Filtered Scientific Name `Ilyodromus williamsi (McKenzie 1966)  1966` to `Ilyodromus williamsi (McKenzie 1966) 1966`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:47:55] Filtered Scientific Name `Macropsychanthus grandiflorus (Martius ex Bentham  1837) L.P. Queiroz & Snak 2020` to `Macropsychanthus grandiflorus (Martius ex Bentham 1837) L.P. Queiroz & Snak 2020`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:47:56] SKIPPED 1192 Scientific names (61776/20000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:47:57] SKIPPED 1192 Nodes (61776/20000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:47:57] Storing 14376 ScientificNames (61776/20000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:48:01] Storing 14376 Nodes (61776/20000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:05] Filtered Scientific Name `Hecalus concentralis (Matsumura 1912)  1912` to `Hecalus concentralis (Matsumura 1912) 1912`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:07] Filtered Scientific Name `Thraulodes schlingeri ": Traver & Edmunds 1967` to `Thraulodes schlingeri : Traver & Edmunds 1967`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:08] Filtered Scientific Name `Petrobia (Petrobia) latens (Muller 1776)  1776` to `Petrobia (Petrobia) latens (Muller 1776) 1776`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:08] Filtered Scientific Name `Acanthonyx petiverii " H. Milne Edwards 1834` to `Acanthonyx petiverii H. Milne Edwards 1834`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:10] SKIPPED 1474 Scientific names (90856/30000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:10] SKIPPED 1474 Nodes (90856/30000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:48:10] Storing 13066 ScientificNames (90856/30000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:48:14] Storing 13066 Nodes (90856/30000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:18] Filtered Scientific Name `Chaethippus mellinus (Becker 1912)  1912` to `Chaethippus mellinus (Becker 1912) 1912`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:19] Filtered Scientific Name `Podisus distinctus (Stal 1860)  1860` to `Podisus distinctus (Stal 1860) 1860`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:22] SKIPPED 1735 Scientific names (120892/40000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:22] SKIPPED 1735 Nodes (120892/40000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:48:22] Storing 13283 ScientificNames (120892/40000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:48:27] Storing 13283 Nodes (120892/40000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:32] Filtered Scientific Name `Tricholabidura elongata  Peng &  Engel  2022` to `Tricholabidura elongata Peng & Engel 2022`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:35] SKIPPED 2228 Scientific names (151384/50000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:35] SKIPPED 2228 Nodes (151384/50000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:48:36] Storing 13018 ScientificNames (151384/50000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:48:40] Storing 13018 Nodes (151384/50000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:44] Filtered Scientific Name `Hemipsilichthys papillatus  PEREIRA, OLIVEIRA & OYAKAWA` to `Hemipsilichthys papillatus PEREIRA, OLIVEIRA & OYAKAWA`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:47] Filtered Scientific Name `Mimosestes mimosae (Fabricius 1781)  1781` to `Mimosestes mimosae (Fabricius 1781) 1781`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:47] Filtered Scientific Name `Mimosestes viduatus (Sharp 1885)  1885` to `Mimosestes viduatus (Sharp 1885) 1885`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:47] Filtered Scientific Name `Mimosestes nubigens (Motschulsky 1874)  1874` to `Mimosestes nubigens (Motschulsky 1874) 1874`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:47] Filtered Scientific Name `Stator subaeneus (Schaeffer 1907)  1907` to `Stator subaeneus (Schaeffer 1907) 1907`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:47] Filtered Scientific Name `Acanthoscelides oblongoguttatus (Fahraeus 1839)  1839` to `Acanthoscelides oblongoguttatus (Fahraeus 1839) 1839`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:47] Filtered Scientific Name `Mimosestes cinerifer (Fahraeus 1839)  1839` to `Mimosestes cinerifer (Fahraeus 1839) 1839`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:47] Filtered Scientific Name `Pinnaspis uniloba (Kuwana 1909)  1909` to `Pinnaspis uniloba (Kuwana 1909) 1909`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:48] SKIPPED 2236 Scientific names (181472/60000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:48] SKIPPED 2236 Nodes (181472/60000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:48:48] Storing 12808 ScientificNames (181472/60000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:48:52] Storing 12808 Nodes (181472/60000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:57] Filtered Scientific Name `Oxybleptes davisi (Notman 1924)  1924` to `Oxybleptes davisi (Notman 1924) 1924`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:48:59] Filtered Scientific Name `Rhoptromeris armeniaca (Belizin 1966)  1966` to `Rhoptromeris armeniaca (Belizin 1966) 1966`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:49:00] Filtered Scientific Name `Trinomys eliasi (Pessoa & dos  Reis 1993)` to `Trinomys eliasi (Pessoa & dos Reis 1993)`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:49:01] SKIPPED 2464 Scientific names (212030/70000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:49:01] SKIPPED 2464 Nodes (212030/70000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:49:01] Storing 12815 ScientificNames (212030/70000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:49:05] Storing 12815 Nodes (212030/70000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:49:11] Filtered Scientific Name `Eupetaurus cinereus  THOMAS 1888` to `Eupetaurus cinereus THOMAS 1888`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:49:12] Filtered Scientific Name `Halipeurus diversus (Kellogg 1896) " Thompson 1939` to `Halipeurus diversus (Kellogg 1896) Thompson 1939`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:49:13] Filtered Scientific Name `Withius hispanus (L. Koch 1873)  1873` to `Withius hispanus (L. Koch 1873) 1873`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:49:13] Filtered Scientific Name `Austrolestes aleison Watson &  Moulds 1979` to `Austrolestes aleison Watson & Moulds 1979`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:49:13] Filtered Scientific Name `Austrolestes minjerriba Watson &  Moulds 1979` to `Austrolestes minjerriba Watson & Moulds 1979`
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:49:13] (Reached filtered-name limit; supressing further warnings.)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:49:14] SKIPPED 2309 Scientific names (241730/80000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:49:14] SKIPPED 2309 Nodes (241730/80000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:49:14] Storing 12541 ScientificNames (241730/80000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:49:18] Storing 12541 Nodes (241730/80000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:49:27] SKIPPED 2541 Scientific names (271636/90000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:49:27] SKIPPED 2541 Nodes (271636/90000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:49:27] Storing 12412 ScientificNames (271636/90000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:49:31] Storing 12412 Nodes (271636/90000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:49:40] SKIPPED 3018 Scientific names (302106/100000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:49:40] SKIPPED 3018 Nodes (302106/100000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:49:40] Storing 12217 ScientificNames (302106/100000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:49:44] Storing 12217 Nodes (302106/100000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:49:53] SKIPPED 2477 Scientific names (331218/110000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:49:53] SKIPPED 2477 Nodes (331218/110000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:49:53] Storing 12079 ScientificNames (331218/110000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:49:57] Storing 12079 Nodes (331218/110000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:50:06] SKIPPED 2995 Scientific names (361616/120000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:50:06] SKIPPED 2995 Nodes (361616/120000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:50:06] Storing 12204 ScientificNames (361616/120000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:50:10] Storing 12204 Nodes (361616/120000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:50:19] SKIPPED 3428 Scientific names (393346/130000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:50:19] SKIPPED 3428 Nodes (393346/130000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:50:19] Storing 12437 ScientificNames (393346/130000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:50:23] Storing 12437 Nodes (393346/130000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:50:32] SKIPPED 4059 Scientific names (426550/140000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:50:33] SKIPPED 4059 Nodes (426550/140000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:50:33] Storing 12543 ScientificNames (426550/140000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:50:37] Storing 12543 Nodes (426550/140000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:50:46] SKIPPED 4249 Scientific names (459482/150000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:50:47] SKIPPED 4249 Nodes (459482/150000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:50:47] Storing 12217 ScientificNames (459482/150000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:50:51] Storing 12217 Nodes (459482/150000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:51:00] SKIPPED 4387 Scientific names (492730/160000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:51:01] SKIPPED 4387 Nodes (492730/160000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:51:01] Storing 12237 ScientificNames (492730/160000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:51:05] Storing 12237 Nodes (492730/160000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:51:14] SKIPPED 4762 Scientific names (525858/170000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:51:15] SKIPPED 4762 Nodes (525858/170000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:51:15] Storing 11802 ScientificNames (525858/170000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:51:18] Storing 11802 Nodes (525858/170000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:51:27] SKIPPED 4366 Scientific names (557900/180000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:51:28] SKIPPED 4366 Nodes (557900/180000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:51:28] Storing 11655 ScientificNames (557900/180000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:51:32] Storing 11655 Nodes (557900/180000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:51:41] SKIPPED 4453 Scientific names (591108/190000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:51:42] SKIPPED 4453 Nodes (591108/190000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:51:42] Storing 12151 ScientificNames (591108/190000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:51:46] Storing 12151 Nodes (591108/190000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:51:55] SKIPPED 5008 Scientific names (624756/200000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:51:56] SKIPPED 5008 Nodes (624756/200000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:51:56] Storing 11816 ScientificNames (624756/200000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:52:00] Storing 11816 Nodes (624756/200000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:52:09] SKIPPED 4904 Scientific names (658038/210000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:52:11] SKIPPED 4904 Nodes (658038/210000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:52:11] Storing 11737 ScientificNames (658038/210000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:52:14] Storing 11737 Nodes (658038/210000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:52:24] SKIPPED 4893 Scientific names (690932/220000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:52:25] SKIPPED 4893 Nodes (690932/220000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:52:25] Storing 11554 ScientificNames (690932/220000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:52:29] Storing 11554 Nodes (690932/220000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:52:39] SKIPPED 5303 Scientific names (724428/230000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:52:40] SKIPPED 5303 Nodes (724428/230000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:52:40] Storing 11445 ScientificNames (724428/230000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:52:43] Storing 11445 Nodes (724428/230000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:52:53] SKIPPED 5151 Scientific names (757954/240000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:52:55] SKIPPED 5151 Nodes (757954/240000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:52:55] Storing 11612 ScientificNames (757954/240000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:52:58] Storing 11612 Nodes (757954/240000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:53:08] SKIPPED 5389 Scientific names (791330/250000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:53:10] SKIPPED 5389 Nodes (791330/250000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:53:10] Storing 11299 ScientificNames (791330/250000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:53:13] Storing 11299 Nodes (791330/250000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:53:23] SKIPPED 5087 Scientific names (823856/260000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:53:24] SKIPPED 5087 Nodes (823856/260000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:53:24] Storing 11176 ScientificNames (823856/260000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:53:28] Storing 11176 Nodes (823856/260000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:53:37] SKIPPED 5219 Scientific names (856816/270000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:53:39] SKIPPED 5219 Nodes (856816/270000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:53:39] Storing 11261 ScientificNames (856816/270000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:53:42] Storing 11261 Nodes (856816/270000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:53:52] SKIPPED 5669 Scientific names (890848/280000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:53:54] SKIPPED 5669 Nodes (890848/280000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:53:54] Storing 11347 ScientificNames (890848/280000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:53:57] Storing 11347 Nodes (890848/280000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:54:07] SKIPPED 5579 Scientific names (924610/290000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:54:08] SKIPPED 5579 Nodes (924610/290000/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:54:08] Storing 11302 ScientificNames (924610/290000/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:54:12] Storing 11302 Nodes (924610/290000/297126)
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:54:20] SKIPPED 4327 Scientific names (949004/297124/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[WARN] [2024-01-17 08:54:21] SKIPPED 4327 Nodes (949004/297124/297126) with resource_pks already be in the database!
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:54:21] Storing 7870 ScientificNames (949004/297124/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:54:24] Storing 7870 Nodes (949004/297124/297126)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:54:26] Handling diff: /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/diff/trek_nat_dw_trek_occurrences_31059.diff (1005709 lines)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:54:26] Loading occurrences diff file into memory (1005709 lines)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:54:27] Storing 9999 Occurrences (9999/10000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:54:30] Storing 10000 Occurrences (19999/20000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:54:32] Storing 10000 Occurrences (29999/30000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:54:35] Storing 10000 Occurrences (39999/40000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:54:37] Storing 10000 Occurrences (49999/50000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:54:39] Storing 10000 Occurrences (59999/60000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:54:41] Storing 10000 Occurrences (69999/70000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:54:44] Storing 10000 Occurrences (79999/80000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:54:46] Storing 10000 Occurrences (89999/90000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:54:49] Storing 10000 Occurrences (99999/100000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:54:51] Storing 10000 Occurrences (109999/110000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:54:54] Storing 10000 Occurrences (119999/120000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:54:56] Storing 10000 Occurrences (129999/130000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:54:59] Storing 10000 Occurrences (139999/140000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:55:02] Storing 10000 Occurrences (149999/150000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:55:04] Storing 10000 Occurrences (159999/160000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:55:07] Storing 10000 Occurrences (169999/170000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:55:10] Storing 10000 Occurrences (179999/180000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:55:13] Storing 10000 Occurrences (189999/190000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:55:16] Storing 10000 Occurrences (199999/200000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:55:19] Storing 10000 Occurrences (209999/210000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:55:22] Storing 10000 Occurrences (219999/220000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:55:25] Storing 10000 Occurrences (229999/230000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:55:28] Storing 10000 Occurrences (239999/240000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:55:32] Storing 10000 Occurrences (249999/250000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:55:35] Storing 10000 Occurrences (259999/260000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:55:38] Storing 10000 Occurrences (269999/270000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:55:41] Storing 10000 Occurrences (279999/280000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:55:44] Storing 10000 Occurrences (289999/290000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:55:48] Storing 10000 Occurrences (299999/300000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:55:51] Storing 10000 Occurrences (309999/310000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:55:55] Storing 10000 Occurrences (319999/320000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:55:58] Storing 10000 Occurrences (329999/330000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:56:02] Storing 10000 Occurrences (339999/340000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:56:05] Storing 10000 Occurrences (349999/350000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:56:09] Storing 10000 Occurrences (359999/360000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:56:12] Storing 10000 Occurrences (369999/370000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:56:17] Storing 10000 Occurrences (379999/380000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:56:20] Storing 10000 Occurrences (389999/390000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:56:24] Storing 10000 Occurrences (399999/400000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:56:28] Storing 10000 Occurrences (409999/410000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:56:32] Storing 10000 Occurrences (419999/420000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:56:36] Storing 10000 Occurrences (429999/430000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:56:41] Storing 10000 Occurrences (439999/440000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:56:45] Storing 10000 Occurrences (449999/450000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:56:49] Storing 10000 Occurrences (459999/460000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:56:53] Storing 10000 Occurrences (469999/470000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:56:57] Storing 10000 Occurrences (479999/480000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:57:02] Storing 10000 Occurrences (489999/490000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:57:06] Storing 10000 Occurrences (499999/500000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:57:11] Storing 10000 Occurrences (509999/510000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:57:15] Storing 10000 Occurrences (519999/520000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:57:20] Storing 10000 Occurrences (529999/530000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:57:24] Storing 10000 Occurrences (539999/540000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:57:29] Storing 10000 Occurrences (549999/550000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:57:34] Storing 10000 Occurrences (559999/560000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:57:38] Storing 10000 Occurrences (569999/570000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:57:43] Storing 10000 Occurrences (579999/580000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:57:48] Storing 10000 Occurrences (589999/590000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:57:53] Storing 10000 Occurrences (599999/600000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:57:58] Storing 10000 Occurrences (609999/610000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:58:03] Storing 10000 Occurrences (619999/620000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:58:08] Storing 10000 Occurrences (629999/630000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:58:13] Storing 10000 Occurrences (639999/640000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:58:18] Storing 10000 Occurrences (649999/650000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:58:23] Storing 10000 Occurrences (659999/660000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:58:28] Storing 10000 Occurrences (669999/670000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:58:33] Storing 10000 Occurrences (679999/680000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:58:38] Storing 10000 Occurrences (689999/690000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:58:44] Storing 10000 Occurrences (699999/700000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:58:49] Storing 10000 Occurrences (709999/710000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:58:55] Storing 10000 Occurrences (719999/720000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:59:00] Storing 10000 Occurrences (729999/730000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:59:06] Storing 10000 Occurrences (739999/740000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:59:11] Storing 10000 Occurrences (749999/750000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:59:17] Storing 10000 Occurrences (759999/760000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:59:23] Storing 10000 Occurrences (769999/770000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:59:28] Storing 10000 Occurrences (779999/780000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:59:34] Storing 10000 Occurrences (789999/790000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:59:40] Storing 10000 Occurrences (799999/800000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:59:46] Storing 10000 Occurrences (809999/810000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:59:52] Storing 10000 Occurrences (819999/820000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 08:59:58] Storing 10000 Occurrences (829999/830000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:00:04] Storing 10000 Occurrences (839999/840000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:00:11] Storing 10000 Occurrences (849999/850000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:00:17] Storing 10000 Occurrences (859999/860000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:00:23] Storing 10000 Occurrences (869999/870000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:00:29] Storing 10000 Occurrences (879999/880000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:00:36] Storing 10000 Occurrences (889999/890000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:00:43] Storing 10000 Occurrences (899999/900000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:00:49] Storing 10000 Occurrences (909999/910000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:00:56] Storing 10000 Occurrences (919999/920000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:01:02] Storing 10000 Occurrences (929999/930000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:01:09] Storing 10000 Occurrences (939999/940000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:01:15] Storing 10000 Occurrences (949999/950000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:01:22] Storing 10000 Occurrences (959999/960000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:01:29] Storing 10000 Occurrences (969999/970000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:01:35] Storing 10000 Occurrences (979999/980000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:01:42] Storing 10000 Occurrences (989999/990000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:01:49] Storing 10000 Occurrences (999999/1000000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:01:55] Storing 5708 Occurrences (1005707/1005707/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:01:58] Handling diff: /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/diff/trek_nat_dw_trek_measurements_31058.diff (1005709 lines)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:01:58] Loading measurements diff file into memory (1005709 lines)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:02:04] Storing 9999 Traits (29997/10000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:02:07] Storing 19998 MetaTraits (29997/10000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:02:15] Storing 10000 Traits (59997/20000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:02:18] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (59997/20000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:02:26] Storing 10000 Traits (89997/30000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:02:29] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (89997/30000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:02:37] Storing 10000 Traits (119997/40000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:02:40] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (119997/40000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:02:48] Storing 10000 Traits (149997/50000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:02:51] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (149997/50000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:03:00] Storing 10000 Traits (179997/60000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:03:03] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (179997/60000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:03:10] Storing 10000 Traits (209997/70000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:03:13] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (209997/70000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:03:21] Storing 10000 Traits (239997/80000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:03:24] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (239997/80000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:03:32] Storing 10000 Traits (269997/90000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:03:35] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (269997/90000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:03:43] Storing 10000 Traits (299997/100000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:03:46] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (299997/100000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:03:54] Storing 10000 Traits (329997/110000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:03:57] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (329997/110000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:04:06] Storing 10000 Traits (359997/120000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:04:09] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (359997/120000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:04:17] Storing 10000 Traits (389997/130000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:04:20] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (389997/130000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:04:28] Storing 10000 Traits (419997/140000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:04:31] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (419997/140000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:04:39] Storing 10000 Traits (449997/150000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:04:42] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (449997/150000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:04:51] Storing 10000 Traits (479997/160000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:04:54] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (479997/160000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:05:02] Storing 10000 Traits (509997/170000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:05:05] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (509997/170000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:05:13] Storing 10000 Traits (539997/180000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:05:16] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (539997/180000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:05:24] Storing 10000 Traits (569997/190000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:05:27] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (569997/190000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:05:35] Storing 10000 Traits (599997/200000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:05:38] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (599997/200000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:05:46] Storing 10000 Traits (629997/210000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:05:50] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (629997/210000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:05:58] Storing 10000 Traits (659997/220000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:06:01] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (659997/220000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:06:09] Storing 10000 Traits (689997/230000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:06:12] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (689997/230000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:06:20] Storing 10000 Traits (719997/240000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:06:24] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (719997/240000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:06:32] Storing 10000 Traits (749997/250000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:06:35] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (749997/250000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:06:44] Storing 10000 Traits (779997/260000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:06:47] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (779997/260000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:06:56] Storing 10000 Traits (809997/270000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:06:59] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (809997/270000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:07:07] Storing 10000 Traits (839997/280000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:07:10] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (839997/280000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:07:19] Storing 10000 Traits (869997/290000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:07:22] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (869997/290000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:07:31] Storing 10000 Traits (899997/300000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:07:34] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (899997/300000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:07:43] Storing 10000 Traits (929997/310000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:07:46] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (929997/310000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:07:55] Storing 10000 Traits (959997/320000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:07:58] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (959997/320000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:08:07] Storing 10000 Traits (989997/330000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:08:10] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (989997/330000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:08:19] Storing 10000 Traits (1019997/340000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:08:22] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1019997/340000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:08:31] Storing 10000 Traits (1049997/350000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:08:34] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1049997/350000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:08:43] Storing 10000 Traits (1079997/360000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:08:46] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1079997/360000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:08:55] Storing 10000 Traits (1109997/370000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:08:58] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1109997/370000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:09:08] Storing 10000 Traits (1139997/380000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:09:11] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1139997/380000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:09:20] Storing 10000 Traits (1169997/390000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:09:23] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1169997/390000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:09:32] Storing 10000 Traits (1199997/400000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:09:35] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1199997/400000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:09:44] Storing 10000 Traits (1229997/410000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:09:47] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1229997/410000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:09:56] Storing 10000 Traits (1259997/420000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:09:59] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1259997/420000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:10:08] Storing 10000 Traits (1289997/430000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:10:11] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1289997/430000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:10:21] Storing 10000 Traits (1319997/440000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:10:24] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1319997/440000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:10:33] Storing 10000 Traits (1349997/450000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:10:36] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1349997/450000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:10:46] Storing 10000 Traits (1379997/460000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:10:49] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1379997/460000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:10:58] Storing 10000 Traits (1409997/470000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:11:01] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1409997/470000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:11:11] Storing 10000 Traits (1439997/480000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:11:14] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1439997/480000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:11:23] Storing 10000 Traits (1469997/490000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:11:26] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1469997/490000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:11:35] Storing 10000 Traits (1499997/500000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:11:38] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1499997/500000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:11:48] Storing 10000 Traits (1529997/510000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:11:51] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1529997/510000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:12:00] Storing 10000 Traits (1559997/520000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:12:04] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1559997/520000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:12:13] Storing 10000 Traits (1589997/530000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:12:16] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1589997/530000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:12:26] Storing 10000 Traits (1619997/540000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:12:29] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1619997/540000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:12:39] Storing 10000 Traits (1649997/550000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:12:42] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1649997/550000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:12:52] Storing 10000 Traits (1679997/560000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:12:55] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1679997/560000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:13:05] Storing 10000 Traits (1709997/570000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:13:08] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1709997/570000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:13:18] Storing 10000 Traits (1739997/580000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:13:21] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1739997/580000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:13:31] Storing 10000 Traits (1769997/590000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:13:34] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1769997/590000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:13:44] Storing 10000 Traits (1799997/600000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:13:47] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1799997/600000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:13:57] Storing 10000 Traits (1829997/610000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:14:00] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1829997/610000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:14:10] Storing 10000 Traits (1859997/620000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:14:13] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1859997/620000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:14:23] Storing 10000 Traits (1889997/630000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:14:26] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1889997/630000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:14:36] Storing 10000 Traits (1919997/640000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:14:40] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1919997/640000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:14:50] Storing 10000 Traits (1949997/650000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:14:53] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1949997/650000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:15:03] Storing 10000 Traits (1979997/660000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:15:06] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (1979997/660000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:15:17] Storing 10000 Traits (2009997/670000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:15:20] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2009997/670000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:15:30] Storing 10000 Traits (2039997/680000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:15:33] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2039997/680000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:15:44] Storing 10000 Traits (2069997/690000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:15:47] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2069997/690000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:15:58] Storing 10000 Traits (2099997/700000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:16:01] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2099997/700000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:16:11] Storing 10000 Traits (2129997/710000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:16:15] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2129997/710000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:16:25] Storing 10000 Traits (2159997/720000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:16:29] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2159997/720000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:16:39] Storing 10000 Traits (2189997/730000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:16:42] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2189997/730000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:16:53] Storing 10000 Traits (2219997/740000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:16:56] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2219997/740000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:17:07] Storing 10000 Traits (2249997/750000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:17:10] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2249997/750000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:17:21] Storing 10000 Traits (2279997/760000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:17:24] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2279997/760000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:17:35] Storing 10000 Traits (2309997/770000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:17:38] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2309997/770000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:17:49] Storing 10000 Traits (2339997/780000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:17:52] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2339997/780000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:18:03] Storing 10000 Traits (2369997/790000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:18:06] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2369997/790000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:18:17] Storing 10000 Traits (2399997/800000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:18:20] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2399997/800000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:18:31] Storing 10000 Traits (2429997/810000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:18:34] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2429997/810000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:18:46] Storing 10000 Traits (2459997/820000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:18:49] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2459997/820000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:19:01] Storing 10000 Traits (2489997/830000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:19:04] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2489997/830000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:19:15] Storing 10000 Traits (2519997/840000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:19:18] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2519997/840000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:19:30] Storing 10000 Traits (2549997/850000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:19:33] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2549997/850000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:19:44] Storing 10000 Traits (2579997/860000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:19:47] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2579997/860000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:19:59] Storing 10000 Traits (2609997/870000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:20:02] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2609997/870000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:20:14] Storing 10000 Traits (2639997/880000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:20:17] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2639997/880000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:20:29] Storing 10000 Traits (2669997/890000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:20:32] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2669997/890000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:20:44] Storing 10000 Traits (2699997/900000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:20:47] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2699997/900000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:20:58] Storing 10000 Traits (2729997/910000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:21:01] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2729997/910000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:21:13] Storing 10000 Traits (2759997/920000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:21:16] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2759997/920000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:21:28] Storing 10000 Traits (2789997/930000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:21:31] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2789997/930000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:21:43] Storing 10000 Traits (2819997/940000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:21:46] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2819997/940000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:21:58] Storing 10000 Traits (2849997/950000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:22:01] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2849997/950000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:22:13] Storing 10000 Traits (2879997/960000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:22:16] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2879997/960000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:22:27] Storing 10000 Traits (2909997/970000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:22:30] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2909997/970000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:22:43] Storing 10000 Traits (2939997/980000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:22:46] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2939997/980000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:22:58] Storing 10000 Traits (2969997/990000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:23:01] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2969997/990000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:23:13] Storing 10000 Traits (2999997/1000000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:23:16] Storing 20000 MetaTraits (2999997/1000000/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:23:26] Storing 5708 Traits (3017121/1005707/1005709)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:23:28] Storing 11416 MetaTraits (3017121/1005707/1005709)
[STOP] [2024-01-17 09:23:29] parse_diff_and_store
[START] [2024-01-17 09:23:29] resolve_keys
[2024-01-17 09:25:19] Resolving downloaded urls (this is not actually downloading them yet)
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:25:29] Occurrences to nodes (through scientific_names)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:26:16] traits to occurrences...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:27:30] traits to nodes (through occurrences)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:28:27] Traits to sex term...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:28:39] Traits to lifestage term...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:28:49] MetaTraits to traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:30:22] MetaTraits (simple, measurement row refers to parent) to traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:30:24] Assocs to occurrences...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:30:24] Assocs to nodes...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:30:24] Assoc to sex term...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:30:24] Assoc to lifestage term...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:30:24] MetaAssoc to assocs...
[STOP] [2024-01-17 09:30:24] resolve_keys
[START] [2024-01-17 09:30:24] hold_for_later_1
[STOP] [2024-01-17 09:30:24] hold_for_later_1
[START] [2024-01-17 09:30:24] hold_for_later_2
[STOP] [2024-01-17 09:30:24] hold_for_later_2
[START] [2024-01-17 09:30:24] resolve_missing_parents
[STOP] [2024-01-17 09:30:29] resolve_missing_parents
[START] [2024-01-17 09:30:29] rebuild_nodes
[START] [2024-01-17 09:30:29] Flattener#flatten
[START] [2024-01-17 09:30:29] Flattener#study_resource
[START] [2024-01-17 09:31:04] Flattener#build_ancestry
[STOP] [2024-01-17 09:36:11] Flattener#build_ancestry
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:36:11] 363600 ancestry keys
[START] [2024-01-17 09:36:11] build_node_ancestors
[INFO] [2024-01-17 09:36:11] old ancestors deleted.
[STOP] [2024-01-17 09:40:02] build_node_ancestors
[START] [2024-01-17 09:40:09] Flattener#propagate_ancestor_ids
[STOP] [2024-01-17 09:41:37] Flattener#propagate_ancestor_ids
[STOP] [2024-01-17 09:41:37] Flattener#flatten
[STOP] [2024-01-17 09:41:37] rebuild_nodes
[START] [2024-01-17 09:41:37] resolve_missing_media_owners
[STOP] [2024-01-17 09:41:37] resolve_missing_media_owners
[START] [2024-01-17 09:41:37] sanitize_media_verbatims
[STOP] [2024-01-17 09:41:37] sanitize_media_verbatims
[START] [2024-01-17 09:41:37] queue_downloads
[STOP] [2024-01-17 09:41:37] queue_downloads
[START] [2024-01-17 09:41:37] parse_names
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:41:38] I see 363600 names which still need to be parsed.
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:41:40] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9762 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:41:49] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9861 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:41:58] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9851 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:42:07] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9855 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:42:15] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9886 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:42:23] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9844 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:42:31] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9881 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:42:40] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9888 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:42:49] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9908 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:42:57] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9846 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:43:04] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9924 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:43:12] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9903 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:43:20] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9790 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:43:29] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9816 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:43:37] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9883 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:43:45] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9907 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:43:53] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9890 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:44:01] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9859 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:44:09] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9865 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:44:17] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9885 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:44:25] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9824 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:44:33] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9870 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:44:41] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9919 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:44:49] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9925 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:44:57] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9897 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:45:05] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9859 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:45:13] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9912 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:45:21] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9833 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:45:29] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9795 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:45:37] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9791 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:45:45] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9893 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:45:53] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9829 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:46:01] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9841 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:46:09] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9840 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:46:18] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9875 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:46:26] Names to parse: 10000 formatted: 10000 learned: 9884 parsed: 10000
[WARN] [2024-01-17 09:46:33] Names to parse: 3600 formatted: 3600 learned: 3570 parsed: 3600
[STOP] [2024-01-17 09:46:37] parse_names
[START] [2024-01-17 09:46:37] denormalize_canonical_names_to_nodes
[STOP] [2024-01-17 09:47:07] denormalize_canonical_names_to_nodes
[START] [2024-01-17 09:47:07] match_nodes
[START] [2024-01-17 09:47:08] map_all_nodes_to_pages
[STOP] [2024-01-17 14:56:55] map_all_nodes_to_pages
[INFO] [2024-01-17 14:56:55] 130480 Unmatched nodes (of 363600)! That's too many to output. Full list in /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/unmatched_nodes.txt ; First 10: Canonical: Saigona baiseensis; Node#147334990; ResourceID: 000040332F2853C295734E7BD4190F05.taxon; Canonical: Saigona; Node#147492260; ResourceID: 03FE879EC9161676FE88FC3DFD79B7D9.taxon; Canonical: Saigona maculata; Node#147542296; ResourceID: 398D4D016DD5529B8802FFC173CCEF33.taxon; Canonical: Saigona; Node#147580810; ResourceID: 661BAEAEE26EF2B4837E9F46DE3BE9FA.taxon; Canonical: Saigona; Node#147606640; ResourceID: 85BA0CB718A95181B9FC7D31D2BCF911.taxon; Canonical: Cleotyche; Node#147357731; ResourceID: 038D4D70FFCBFFB3FDBF1E87CB34F942.taxon; Canonical: Tenguna; Node#147362167; ResourceID: 039087E2FF86E924FDBAFD0AFC4D745B.taxon; Canonical: Tenguna; Node#147661742; ResourceID: CE929642500A2E37BD502B72A30FE2A5.taxon; Canonical: Centromeriana; Node#147432109; ResourceID: 03CB0C7FFFA1FFCF9D77C06DA135F90A.taxon; Canonical: Cuernavaca; Node#147433152; ResourceID: Animalia/Arthropoda/Insecta/Hemiptera/Dictyopharidae/Cuernavaca
[START] [2024-01-17 14:56:56] update_nodes
[STOP] [2024-01-17 14:57:33] update_nodes
[STOP] [2024-01-17 14:57:33] match_nodes
[START] [2024-01-17 14:57:33] reindex_search
[STOP] [2024-01-17 15:03:50] reindex_search
[START] [2024-01-17 15:03:50] normalize_units
[STOP] [2024-01-17 15:04:54] normalize_units
[START] [2024-01-17 15:04:54] calculate_statistics
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:05:08] Duplicate page_id count: 0
[STOP] [2024-01-17 15:05:10] calculate_statistics
[START] [2024-01-17 15:05:10] complete_harvest_instance
[START] [2024-01-17 15:05:10] overall_tsv_creation
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:05:10] Exporting 363600 nodes as TSV in batches of 10000...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:05:10] Processing group of 363600 in 37 batches of 10000
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:07:10] 21678 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:07:10] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:07:23] Mapped 21678 traits (43356 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:07:23] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:07:29] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:07:29] Adding 21678 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:07:31] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:07:31] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:07:31] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:08:37] Processed 10000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:10:31] 27132 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:10:31] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:10:48] Mapped 27132 traits (54264 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:10:48] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:10:53] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:10:53] Adding 27132 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:10:56] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:10:56] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:10:56] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:12:04] Processed 20000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:13:57] 26210 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:13:57] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:14:16] Mapped 26210 traits (52420 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:14:16] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:14:20] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:14:20] Adding 26210 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:14:25] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:14:25] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:14:25] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:15:30] Processed 30000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:17:27] 26685 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:17:27] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:17:45] Mapped 26685 traits (53370 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:17:45] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:17:49] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:17:49] Adding 26685 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:17:54] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:17:54] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:17:54] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:19:00] Processed 40000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:20:56] 32743 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:20:56] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:21:21] Mapped 32743 traits (65486 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:21:21] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:21:25] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:21:25] Adding 32743 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:21:29] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:21:29] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:21:29] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:22:35] Processed 50000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:24:35] 23259 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:24:35] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:24:51] Mapped 23259 traits (46518 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:24:51] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:24:56] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:24:56] Adding 23259 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:24:58] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:24:58] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:24:58] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:26:02] Processed 60000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:27:59] 23684 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:27:59] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:28:17] Mapped 23684 traits (47368 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:28:17] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:28:22] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:28:22] Adding 23684 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:28:24] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:28:24] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:28:24] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:29:28] Processed 70000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:31:27] 24241 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:31:27] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:31:44] Mapped 24241 traits (48482 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:31:44] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:31:48] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:31:48] Adding 24241 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:31:51] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:31:51] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:31:51] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:32:55] Processed 80000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:34:52] 24698 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:34:52] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:35:11] Mapped 24698 traits (49396 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:35:11] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:35:15] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:35:15] Adding 24698 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:35:18] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:35:18] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:35:18] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:36:22] Processed 90000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:38:20] 26225 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:38:20] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:38:39] Mapped 26225 traits (52450 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:38:39] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:38:43] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:38:43] Adding 26225 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:38:46] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:38:46] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:38:46] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:39:54] Processed 100000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:41:50] 30275 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:41:50] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:42:13] Mapped 30275 traits (60550 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:42:13] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:42:18] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:42:18] Adding 30275 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:42:21] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:42:21] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:42:21] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:43:27] Processed 110000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:45:26] 30852 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:45:26] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:45:47] Mapped 30852 traits (61704 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:45:47] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:45:51] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:45:51] Adding 30852 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:45:57] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:45:57] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:45:57] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:47:04] Processed 120000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:49:02] 26574 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:49:02] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:49:24] Mapped 26574 traits (53148 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:49:24] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:49:29] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:49:29] Adding 26574 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:49:32] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:49:32] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:49:32] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:50:37] Processed 130000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:52:37] 26286 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:52:37] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:52:57] Mapped 26286 traits (52572 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:52:57] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:53:01] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:53:01] Adding 26286 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:53:04] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:53:04] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:53:04] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:54:13] Processed 140000/363600 nodes
[WARN] [2024-01-17 15:55:57] Encountered new rank, please ensure there are handlers for it: sexmaculatum
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:56:10] 27984 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:56:10] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:56:33] Mapped 27984 traits (55968 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:56:33] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:56:38] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:56:38] Adding 27984 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:56:41] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:56:41] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:56:41] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:57:46] Processed 150000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:59:47] 22287 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 15:59:47] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:00:04] Mapped 22287 traits (44574 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:00:04] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:00:09] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:00:09] Adding 22287 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:00:11] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:00:11] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:00:11] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:01:15] Processed 160000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:03:15] 22601 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:03:15] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:03:32] Mapped 22601 traits (45202 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:03:32] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:03:36] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:03:36] Adding 22601 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:03:39] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:03:39] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:03:39] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:04:45] Processed 170000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:06:43] 30066 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:06:43] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:07:08] Mapped 30066 traits (60132 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:07:08] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:07:12] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:07:12] Adding 30066 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:07:16] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:07:16] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:07:16] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:08:22] Processed 180000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:10:21] 26882 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:10:21] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:10:41] Mapped 26882 traits (53764 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:10:41] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:10:45] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:10:45] Adding 26882 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:10:50] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:10:50] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:10:50] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:11:57] Processed 190000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:13:54] 26142 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:13:54] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:14:16] Mapped 26142 traits (52284 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:14:16] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:14:20] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:14:20] Adding 26142 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:14:25] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:14:25] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:14:25] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:15:30] Processed 200000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:17:32] 27479 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:17:32] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:17:53] Mapped 27479 traits (54958 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:17:53] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:17:58] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:17:58] Adding 27479 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:18:01] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:18:01] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:18:01] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:19:10] Processed 210000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:21:07] 29182 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:21:07] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:21:32] Mapped 29182 traits (58364 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:21:32] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:21:36] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:21:36] Adding 29182 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:21:39] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:21:39] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:21:39] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:22:45] Processed 220000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:24:47] 27158 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:24:47] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:25:07] Mapped 27158 traits (54316 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:25:07] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:25:11] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:25:11] Adding 27158 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:25:15] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:25:15] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:25:15] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:26:24] Processed 230000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:28:21] 35667 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:28:21] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:28:50] Mapped 35667 traits (71334 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:28:50] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:28:55] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:28:55] Adding 35667 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:28:59] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:28:59] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:28:59] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:30:10] Processed 240000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:32:08] 25931 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:32:08] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:32:27] Mapped 25931 traits (51862 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:32:27] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:32:34] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:32:34] Adding 25931 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:32:37] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:32:37] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:32:37] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:33:44] Processed 250000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:35:41] 27618 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:35:41] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:36:03] Mapped 27618 traits (55236 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:36:03] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:36:10] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:36:10] Adding 27618 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:36:13] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:36:13] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:36:13] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:37:18] Processed 260000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:39:16] 26159 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:39:16] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:39:39] Mapped 26159 traits (52318 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:39:39] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:39:43] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:39:43] Adding 26159 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:39:47] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:39:47] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:39:47] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:40:52] Processed 270000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:42:52] 26285 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:42:52] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:43:12] Mapped 26285 traits (52570 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:43:12] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:43:17] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:43:17] Adding 26285 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:43:20] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:43:20] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:43:20] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:44:29] Processed 280000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:46:28] 27999 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:46:28] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:46:53] Mapped 27999 traits (55998 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:46:53] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:46:57] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:46:57] Adding 27999 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:47:00] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:47:00] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:47:00] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:48:06] Processed 290000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:50:07] 25521 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:50:07] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:50:28] Mapped 25521 traits (51042 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:50:28] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:50:32] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:50:32] Adding 25521 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:50:35] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:50:35] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:50:35] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:51:42] Processed 300000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:53:41] 25431 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:53:41] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:54:02] Mapped 25431 traits (50862 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:54:02] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:54:07] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:54:07] Adding 25431 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:54:12] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:54:12] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:54:12] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:55:17] Processed 310000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:57:14] 27638 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:57:14] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:57:38] Mapped 27638 traits (55276 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:57:38] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:57:42] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:57:42] Adding 27638 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:57:45] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:57:45] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:57:45] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 16:58:51] Processed 320000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:00:52] 28642 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:00:52] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:01:13] Mapped 28642 traits (57284 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:01:13] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:01:17] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:01:17] Adding 28642 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:01:21] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:01:21] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:01:21] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:02:30] Processed 330000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:04:28] 27593 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:04:28] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:04:52] Mapped 27593 traits (55186 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:04:52] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:04:56] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:04:56] Adding 27593 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:04:59] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:04:59] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:04:59] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:06:05] Processed 340000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:08:06] 29481 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:08:06] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:08:28] Mapped 29481 traits (58962 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:08:28] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:08:32] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:08:32] Adding 29481 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:08:35] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:08:35] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:08:35] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:09:46] Processed 350000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:11:42] 26820 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:11:42] Building Traits map for 10000 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:12:06] Mapped 26820 traits (53640 meta) for 10000 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:12:06] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:12:10] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:12:10] Adding 26820 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:12:14] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:12:14] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:12:14] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:13:19] Processed 360000/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:13:32] 9743 Traits (unfiltered) and 0 associations...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:13:32] Building Traits map for 3600 nodes (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:13:37] Mapped 9743 traits (19486 meta) for 3600 nodes.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:13:37] Building Associations map (this can take a while)...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:13:40] Done. 0 assocs mapped (0 meta).
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:13:40] Adding 9743 traits...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:13:41] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:13:41] Adding 0 assocs...
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:13:41] 0 metadata added.
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:14:38] Processed 363600/363600 nodes
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:14:38] Average Time: 114.991
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:14:38] Total Time: 2h9m29s
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:14:38] last 3 / first 3: 0.98
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:14:39] Std.Dev: 8.368; Max: 131.6
[STOP] [2024-01-17 17:14:39] overall_tsv_creation
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:14:39] Done. Check your files:
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:14:39] (363600 lines) /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/publish_nodes.tsv
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:14:39] (2088748 lines) /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/publish_node_ancestors.tsv
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:14:39] (363600 lines) /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/publish_scientific_names.tsv
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:14:39] (980852 lines) /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/publish_traits.tsv
[INFO] [2024-01-17 17:14:39] (1 lines) /app/public/data/trek_nat_dw_trek/publish_metadata.tsv
[STOP] [2024-01-17 17:14:40] complete_harvest_instance
[START] [2024-01-17 17:14:40] completed
[STOP] [2024-01-17 17:14:40] completed
[STOP] [2024-01-17 17:14:40] logged process, took 30525.7

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