Harvest for Deep sea Fishes of the World LifeDesk Created 29 Nov 07:12

Stage: completed
Fetched: 29 Nov 07:12
Validated: 29 Nov 07:12
Deltas Created 29 Nov 07:12
Units Normalized: 29 Nov 07:13
Ancestry Built: 29 Nov 07:13
Nodes Matched: 29 Nov 07:13
Names Parsed: 29 Nov 07:13
New Models Stored: 29 Nov 07:12
Indexed: 29 Nov 07:13
Completed: 29 Nov 07:14
Time to Harvest: less than a minute

Harvesting Log

(0 lines)

The logs for this harvest are empty.

Latest Process

No processes have run for this resource.