Agents Format File Definition for Lukas and Clutton Brock 2014

File Type: csv
Get From: /app/public/data/lukas_clutton_br/agents.txt
Actual File Location: /app/public/data/lukas_clutton_br/agents.txt
Field Seperator: \t (tab)
Line Seperator: \n (newline)
UTF8 characters allowed: No.

Fields (12)

1. AgentID (296714) → to_attributions_pk
(must be unique) (must not be empty)
2. Full Name (296715) → to_attributions_name
(must be unique)
3. First Name (296716) → to_attributions_other (firstName)
4. Family Name (296717) → to_attributions_other (familyName)
5. Role (296718) → to_attributions_role
(must be unique)
6. Email (296719) → to_attributions_email
7. Homepage (296720) → to_attributions_url
8. Logo URL (296721) → to_attributions_url (logo)
9. Project (296722) → to_attributions_other (project)
10. Organization (296723) → to_attributions_other (organization)
11. AccountName (296724) → to_attributions_other (account)
12. OpenID (296725) → to_attributions_other (OpenID)