Measurements Format File Definition for Plant Forms, Habitat and Distribution

File Type: csv
Get From: /app/public/data/plant_fhd/measurement_or_fact.txt
Actual File Location: /app/public/data/plant_fhd/measurement_or_fact.txt
Field Seperator: \t (tab)
Line Seperator: \n (newline)
UTF8 characters allowed: No.

Fields (18)

1. measurementID (295491) → to_traits_pk
2. occurrenceID (295492) → to_traits_occurrence_fk
3. measurementOfTaxon (295493) → to_traits_measurement_of_taxon
4. associationID (295494) → to_traits_assoc_node_fk
5. parentMeasurementID (295495) → to_traits_parent_pk
6. measurementType (295496) → to_traits_predicate
(must not be empty)
7. measurementValue (295497) → to_traits_value
8. measurementUnit (295498) → to_traits_units
9. measurementAccuracy (295499) → to_traits_meta (
10. statisticalMethod (295500) → to_traits_statistical_method
11. measurementDeterminedDate (295501) → to_traits_meta (
12. measurementDeterminedBy (295502) → to_traits_determined_by (
13. measurementMethod (295503) → to_traits_meta (
14. measurementRemarks (295504) → to_traits_meta (
15. source (295505) → to_traits_source
16. bibliographicCitation (295506) → to_traits_meta (
17. contributor (295507) → to_traits_contributor
18. referenceID (295508) → to_traits_ref_fks (|;)