Assocs Format File Definition for Calcification rate literature

File Type: csv
Get From: /app/public/data/Calcification_ra/associations.txt
Actual File Location: /app/public/data/Calcification_ra/associations.txt
Field Seperator: \t (tab)
Line Seperator: \n (newline)
UTF8 characters allowed: No.

Fields (12)

1. AssociationID (295154) → to_associations_pk
(must be unique) (must not be empty)
2. Occurrence ID (295155) → to_associations_occurrence_fk
(must not be empty)
3. Association Type (295156) → to_associations_predicate
(must not be empty)
4. Target Occurrence ID (295157) → to_associations_target_occurrence_fk
5. Determined Date (295158) → to_associations_meta (
6. Determined By (295159) → to_associations_determined_by (
7. Measurement Method (295160) → to_associations_meta (
8. Remarks (295161) → to_associations_meta (
9. Source (295162) → to_associations_source
10. Citation (295163) → to_associations_meta (
11. Contributor (295164) → to_associations_contributor
12. ReferenceID (295165) → to_associations_ref_fks (|;)