Media Format File Definition for Wright Et Al 2014

File Type: csv
Get From: /app/public/data/wright-et-al/media.txt
Actual File Location: /app/public/data/wright-et-al/media.txt
Field Seperator: \t (tab)
Line Seperator: \n (newline)
UTF8 characters allowed: No.

Fields (31)

1. MediaID (268863) → to_media_pk
(must be unique) (must not be empty)
2. TaxonID (268864) → to_media_nodes_fk
(must not be empty)
3. Type (268865) → to_media_type
(must not be empty)
4. Subtype (268866) → to_media_type
5. Format (268867) → to_media_subtype
6. Subject (268868) → to_section
7. Title (268869) → to_media_name
8. Description (268870) → to_media_description
9. AccessURI (268871) → to_media_source_url
10. ThumbnailURL (268872) → to_ignored
11. FurtherInformationURL (268873) → to_media_source_page_url
12. DerivedFrom (268874) → to_ignored
13. CreateDate (268875) → to_ignored
14. Modified (268876) → to_ignored
15. Language (268877) → to_media_language
16. Rating (268878) → to_ignored
17. Audience (268879) → to_ignored
18. License (268880) → to_media_license
19. Rights (268881) → to_ignored
20. Owner (268882) → to_media_owner
21. BibliographicCitation (268883) → to_bibliographic_citation
22. Publisher (268884) → to_ignored
23. Contributor (268885) → to_ignored
24. Creator (268886) → to_ignored
25. AgentID (268887) → to_media_attributions_fk
26. LocationCreated (268888) → to_media_description
27. GenericLocation (268889) → to_ignored
28. Latitude (268890) → to_ignored
29. Longitude (268891) → to_ignored
30. Altitude (268892) → to_ignored
31. ReferenceID (268893) → to_media_ref_fks (|;)