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Nodes Format File Definition for
Frost Darrel R 2018 Amphibian Species of the World
File Type:
Get From:
Field Seperator:
\t (tab)
Line Seperator:
\n (newline)
UTF8 characters allowed:
Fields (9)
0. taxonID (154136) → to_nodes_pk
(must be unique) (must not be empty)
1. furtherInformationURL (154137) → to_nodes_further_information_url
2. referenceID (154138) → to_nodes_ref_fks (|;)
3. acceptedNameUsageID (154139) → to_nodes_accepted_name_fk
4. parentNameUsageID (154140) → to_nodes_parent_fk
5. scientificName (154141) → to_nodes_scientific
(must not be empty)
6. taxonRank (154142) → to_nodes_rank
7. taxonomicStatus (154143) → to_taxonomic_status
8. taxonRemarks (154144) → to_nodes_remarks