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Media Format File Definition for
Harmful Phytoplankton Project
File Type:
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Field Seperator:
\t (tab)
Line Seperator:
\n (newline)
UTF8 characters allowed:
Fields (18)
0. identifier (131776) → to_media_pk
(must be unique) (must not be empty)
1. taxonID (131777) → to_media_nodes_fk
(must not be empty)
2. type (131778) → to_media_type
(must not be empty)
3. subtype (131779) → to_media_subtype
4. format (131780) → to_media_subtype
5. CVterm (131781) → to_section
6. title (131782) → to_media_name
7. description (131783) → to_media_description
8. accessURI (131784) → to_media_source_url
9. furtherInformationURL (131785) → to_media_source_page_url
10. language (131786) → to_media_language
11. Rating (131787) → to_ignored
12. UsageTerms (131788) → to_media_license
13. rights (131789) → to_ignored
14. Owner (131790) → to_media_owner
15. bibliographicCitation (131791) → to_bibliographic_citation
16. agentID (131792) → to_media_attributions_fk
17. referenceID (131793) → to_media_ref_fks (|;)