ReferenceID PublicationType Full Reference PrimaryTitle SecondaryTitle Pages PageStart PageEnd Volume Edition Publisher AuthorList EditorList DateCreated Language URL DOI LocalityOfPublisher Bachelet 1989 Bachelet. 1989. Recruitment in Abra tenuis (Montagu) (Bivalvia, Semelidae) a species with direct development and a protracted meiobenthic phase. 23rd Eurpoean Marine Biology Symposium Recruitment in Abra tenuis (Montagu) (Bivalvia, Semelidae) a species with direct development and a protracted meiobenthic phase 23rd Eurpoean Marine Biology Symposium Bachelet 1989 Nickerson 1975 Nickerson. 1975. A critical analysis of some razor clam (Siliqua patula, Dixon) populations in Alaska. Alasaka Department of Fish and Wildlife A critical analysis of some razor clam (Siliqua patula, Dixon) populations in Alaska Alasaka Department of Fish and Wildlife Nickerson 1975 Berkamn 1990 Berkamn. 1990. 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Resutls of the Victor Hensen cruise to the Magellan Strait and the Beagle Channel in October/November 1998. Archive of Fishery and Marine Research Aspects of the population dyanmics of six bivalve species from Southern Chile. Resutls of the Victor Hensen cruise to the Magellan Strait and the Beagle Channel in October/November 1998 Archive of Fishery and Marine Research Urban and Tesch 1996 Urban and Tesch 1996 Urban and Tesch. 1996. Aspects of the population dyanmics of six bivalve species from Southern Chile. Resutls of the Victor Hensen cruise to the Magellan Strait and the Beagle Channel in October/November 1999. Archive of Fishery and Marine Research Aspects of the population dyanmics of six bivalve species from Southern Chile. Resutls of the Victor Hensen cruise to the Magellan Strait and the Beagle Channel in October/November 1999 Archive of Fishery and Marine Research Urban and Tesch 1996 Lee 1985 Lee. 1985. 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